Meet Keynote Speaker
“You can achieve anything you want in life—Anything. But NOT everything.
Because the secret to doing GREAT things is not trying to make EVERYTHING you do great."
—Elisabeth Leamy
My Mission
My job as a keynote speaker is to help people ditch pointless perfectionism and prioritize what really matters so they can: tap into their true TALENTS…reap the REWARDS they deserve… and make a positive IMPACT on the world.
But I didn’t always practice what I preach…

My Confession
Like most people, I went about my life trying to live up to the lesson I was taught as a toddler:
But what if the WHOLE WORLD has it WRONG?
Hi, I’m Elisabeth
Hi, I’m Elisabeth •
Let’s face it.
We are living in a hyper-connected, results-expected era where perfectionism is prized even when it’s misdirected.
Let me show you a totally different way to approach work.
As a network news correspondent, I was a poster child for perfectionism. You see, at Good Morning America, I had to compete with my fellow correspondents for time on TV.
Air time was known as “oxygen” and we all know what happens when you don’t get enough oxygen… So I struggled to make every report my very best. As a result, none of them were.
Desperate, I tried a new tactic—deliberately dividing my work into good, better and best.
All of my work had to be good. (Good enough.) Much of my work was better. (Often because I got lucky.)…which allowed me to pour time and energy into a few worthy projects per year to make them my very best.
The TRIfecta Technique was born.
And I became an inspirational speaker to share it with you…

Get to Know Elisabeth
Keynote speaker Elisabeth Leamy is best known for her decade as on-air Consumer Correspondent for ABC’s Good Morning America.
She is a 13-time Emmy-winner, but more proud that her stories spurred congressional inquiries, lawsuits, and legislation that helped the underdog.
Network news is a pressure-cooker world where blunders and bloopers are made on national TV for all to see. Elisabeth survived—and eventually thrived—by finding a surprising way to corral her competing priorities and do quality work. It is that discovery that she shares with audiences today.
Elisabeth has forged a path of scrappy success in some of the great business centers of the world: San Francisco, London, Washington, DC and New York. It sounds fancy but—unusual for an inspirational speaker—Elisabeth is not shy about sharing both her highs and her lows if it can help her audiences.
She succeeded as a published author and a columnist for the Washington Post, but failed as a podcast host and YouTube creator…
Elisabeth has interviewed presidents and Olympians, CEOs and celebrities—people with a zillion competing priorities of their own.
In every arena, she has seen how having too many conflicting priorities swamps individuals and stalls organizations. Elisabeth’s TRIfecta Technique gives audiences a simple tactic for overcoming priority overload plus a straightforward tool for figuring out what to prioritize in the first place.
Drawing from her high-profile TV career plus years of deep, journalistic research, Elisabeth reveals riveting business stories and fascinating neuroscience to win audiences over to her contrarian view.
People leave her keynotes feeling empowered to take control of their careers—and their lives.

Audience Feedback
Audience Feedback •
Keynote Speaker Elisabeth Leamy’s

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Inspirational Speaker Elisabeth Leamy’s Topics
Keynote Speaker Elisabeth Leamy’s System
Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker •
Elisabeth Leamy Has Appeared:

About working with
Keynote Speaker Elisabeth Leamy
Why Choose Me?
Are My Keynotes Customized?
What’s It Like To Work With Me?
What’s My Impact?
How Do I Connect?
What’s My Speaking Style?
This is me.
Keynote Speaker (“Inspirational Speaker” if I do it right!)
Moderator and Emcee (Using my broadcast skills to help clients.)
UC Berkeley Speaking Instructor (Where it all began...)
Corporate Spokesperson (For good companies & causes.)
Original Thinker (I’m contrarian; The TRIfecta Technique is counterintuitive.)
Good Morning America Alum (Shhh! I pretended to be a morning person.)
30+ Year Broadcaster (aka “recovering journalist.”)
13x Emmy-Winner (I keep the trophies in my basement…)
Washington Post Columnist (Huge coup for a lowly TV reporter.)
2x Author (I like having written books more than writing them.)
1x Grammy Nominee (Yes, really. Funny story…)
Wife/Mom/Dog Mom (Shout out to Kris, Kelsea and Cozy!)
Home Improvement Fanatic (Too much.)
Bike rider (Not enough.)
Wine taster (Just right.)
Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker •
Elisabeth Leamy Has Served:

Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?
Keynote Speaker Elisabeth Leamy’s Media Background
Elisabeth’s Career…so far
Archive of Her ABC Stories
Washington Post Columns