Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Thu Feb 13 2014, 06:13pm

Here's my tip of the month for scoring fabulous freebies!

I've coined a new term: "Freeskate!" (I wonder how long it will take for my new word to make it into the dictionary? Or at least Wikipedia?) Hey, as far as I'm concerned, "Free" is even better than "cheap!"

That's why I launched a new show on AARP's Cheaplife Channel called "Free For All!" Each 5 minute "showlet" reveals 3 free offers I've dug up. And these are NOT cheap or cheesy items, either. It's amazing the QUALITY products companies are willing to pony up for FREE to get customers' attention.

For example, the first episode of Free For All featured free offers for restaurant meals, photo prints and pet check ups. The second show brings you free offers for movie popcorn, romance novels and Godiva chocolates. All of these are scot free --not buy-one-get-one.

How can you, too, find fabulous freebies?
Here's my tip of the month: Join Loyalty clubs!

Many companies give you a free thank you gift for joining their loyalty club. And some of these gifts keep on giving! For example, join its Chocolate Rewards Club and Godiva will give you a free chocolate truffle EVERY MONTH! Join iHop's "Pancake Revolution" and you receive a free breakfast for joining, another on the anniversary of joining AND a free meal on EVERY birthday!

One last helpful hint: set up a separate email account just for shopping, so you can join clubs like this without worrying that your main email account will get clogged. Any time you're about to head out shopping or dining, search that email account to see if the company's sent you any fun free offers lately! Find a great one? Share it with the rest of us here!

Go get 'em, Freeskates!